Here you will find different Mandalas from around the planet and some created new designs for the evolving human race.
This is a new evolved Mandala for the new millennium called:
Millennium Universal Mandala
and contains sacred geometry as well as the synergy of the platonic solids as well.
The vibrational energy is in tune with the new harmonics of the new millennium we have entered.
This page is under copyright of the respective artist,writer, or illustrator. There is no expressed or implied permission to reproduce anything here without the written permission of the copyright holder.
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copyright 1999  by Richard RedHawk Saunders, 2007 Richard RedHawk, Brenda Golden Oak
Millennium Universal Mandala
The New Universal Master Healing Mandala
This Mandala is fantastic for what I need right now.

I am in a primordial soup of energetic change and have been looking at those crystals in the box. Smudged them yesterday.  Have been smudging almost constantly for the past few days, but feel it's ushering in good change healing's.   This medicine wheel twirls in merkaba balancing and was validation that I need to be using the crystals..  Sort setting energy framework patterns for when the soup begins to gel again.

This is a great visual focusing point.  There's so much geometric activation in it that it sucks me in like the wardrobe in Narnia.  Headfirst!!!  It feels good and beneficial, very freeing of old stuff.

Thanks for the help and the support.  Keep me in your prayers as I do with you.
Testimonial for one viewer on     THE SPIRIT WITHIN
Date 18 June 2007
The Spirit of Life Mandala
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